Are Bean Bags Good for Your Back?

By  Outdoor Living  |  22 September 2023
Beanbags good for your back and posture

Yes, bean bags are good for your back. Bean bags can help with your posture in several ways. They offer support to your back and reduce stress and tension on the spine as well as improving the alignment of your back’s muscles and joints.  

Back pains affect many people, and if left untreated, these pains, along with poor posture can manifest into more serious health problems. Bean bags can provide a welcome relief from standard chairs and help to prevent and reduce back problems before they get worse.  

In this blog, we will discuss how you sit affects posture and how bean bags can help aid your posture and reduce back pain. 

Beanbags good for your back

How Sitting Affects Your Posture 

Posture has become quite a buzzword these days, not just in the health and fitness industry but in general day-to-day life. There is good reason for this though, as your posture can have significant impacts on your well-being. One factor that contributes to posture is how you sit. 

Research suggests that spending prolonged periods of time in a seated position can increase your risk of potentially dangerous health issues such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Other adverse effects can include impaired digestion, balance issues and reduced flexibility.  

For many of us, however, spending prolonged periods of time seated is unavoidable. Aside from taking breaks to move your body, one thing that helps reduce the potential risks of sitting is improving your posture.   

Outdoor Living Beanbags Might B Luxury Range

For many of us, however, spending prolonged periods of time seated is unavoidable. Aside from taking breaks to move your body, one thing that helps reduce the potential risks of sitting is improving your posture.   

An article by the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy suggests that there’s no universally “correct” posture and that the optimal posture for any one individual will vary. There are, however, some sitting positions and habits that in general, contribute to poor posture. For example, sitting in a slouched position. Slouching can make it harder for your diaphragm to move normally, meaning your breathing will be less efficient which can progress to more serious health problems. Sitting slumped to one side and straining your neck should also be avoided as they can lead to back pains and injuries.   

So, it’s clear that in order to offset some of the risks of prolonged seating, we should be aiming to improve our posture to protect our back as well as general health. One easy way to reduce back pain and improve your posture is to sit on bean bags.

Outdoor Living Outdoor Beanbags

How Do Bean Bags Affect Posture? 

Bean bags can be beneficial for your posture in a number of ways. Firstly, bean bags conform to your body shape which offers support to your back as well as allowing the user to easily shift sitting positions. This also reduces pressure on the lower back which is one of the most common locations for back pain.  

A second way bean bags can aid your posture is by improving the alignment of your back. Many chairs do not provide adequate spinal support, whereas the conforming nature of a bean bag means that it offers support to the full spinal column while also aligning the muscles and joints in your back. Bean bags also relieve pressure on some of the most used joints such as shoulders and hips, both of which can also cause back pain.   

To get the most out of these benefits, it is important to choose the right type of bean bag. It is important that if you are sitting upright in a bean bag, that there is support for the head and neck area. Additionally, it is beneficial if the bean bag has some form of construction/structure that keeps it stable regardless of how much weight is placed on it. Much of our wide range of bean bags meet these criteria. Additionally, we use high-quality EPS bean filling that molds to your body, ensuring you can discover the perfect one for your needs.

Close Up of Polystyrene Filling Info

Additional Benefits

On top of improving your posture and alleviating some of the pressure on the spinal and shoulder joints, bean bags can also help in reducing muscle pain in the back. Bean bags provide optimum support and comfort to the back so that any aching muscles are able to relax. 

Poor sitting posture for long periods of time can cause tension to build up around the neck and shoulders. In some cases, this can cause a tension headache to occur. Bean bags can act to both prevent and treat this painful experience. Sitting on a bean bag would prevent the poor posture that can lead to these headaches, and in the case of a headache occurring, sitting on a bean bag can alleviate the tension that has built up in the neck and shoulder region. 

Lying on Grass with Mighty B Beanbags

So, Can Bean Bags Help Reduce Back Pain? 

Yes, bean bags can be very effective in reducing back pain. Bean bags aid in improving your posture by offering support to the back, reducing pressure and stress on the back and improving the alignment of the spine. A bean bag’s ability to conform to your body shape is what produces these benefits. It allows the body to switch between seated positions while being always supported by the bean bag. Whereas a regular chair doesn’t have this ability. It is still important to move throughout the day to help with preventing and reducing back pain. 

Other sources of back pain often come from issues with other muscles and joints such as the shoulders, hips and even legs. The opposite can also be true, in that back issues can cause leg pain. Bean bags can help with both of these issues. The comfort of bean bags allows muscles and joints to relax and relieve any stress they’re under, thereby preventing muscle and joint discomfort.    

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • Are Bean Bags Good for Your Body? 

Yes, bean bags are good for your body as a whole. Tension and stress in your muscles and joints can have various knock-on health effects. Bean bags help to prevent and reduce this stress and tension from building up, which helps maintain your physical health.  

  • Are Bean Bags Good for Posture? 

Yes, bean bags are good for your posture in a variety of ways, such as reducing pressure on the spine. This is beneficial as improving your posture is a good way to reduce the risk of various health issues such as cardiovascular problems and musculoskeletal injuries. 

Man sitting on beanbag

Could Your Back Benefit from a Bean Bag? Browse Our Collection! 

Back problems are common, and many people will suffer with them at different points in their life. If you or someone you know is suffering with persistent back pain, then perhaps you could benefit from a bean bag. 

Explore our wide range of bean bags online or alternatively pop into our Dunboyne store at Unit 6 in Dunboyne Business Park in County Meath. We have a wide array of sizes, styles and designs so there is something for everyone, all of which have free delivery. We also offer bean bag refills to help you maintain your bean bag and keep it in the best condition.